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Thanksgiving Foods: Worst to Best

Jasmine Smith

  1. Stuffing 

 Stuffing is often a popular side dish. It has always been one of my favorites. Stuffing is usually a dish crafted of bread, meat, vegetables, and herbs. Most use stuffing to flavor the turkey. My family has always served it as a side dish to enjoy with the other sides.  It’s usually light, fluffy, and packed with a warm flavor. Something about the subtle spices and texture just makes it so enjoyable. It collaborates with gravy and mashed potatoes to create the perfect bite.

  1. Mashed Potatoes 

Mashed potatoes are another well-known side dish. In my family, everyone likes their potatoes differently. My brother likes them smooth with lots of butter. My dad likes them with lumps of potatoes in them as well as a bunch of gravy poured on top. However, I prefer sweet potatoes. As more of a sweet side dish, my mom mashed sweet potatoes like usual, added brown sugar to the mix, and topped it with marshmallows. When it's cooked, the marshmallows melt on top and create the most mouth-watering dish on the table. While I love normal mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes will win every time, but not over stuffing. 

  1. Corn

Corn is usually no one's favorite dish. However, my brother is a special case. He has loved corn ever since he was a kid and started making the dish. He simply combines several cans of sweet corn and cream corn to create an even mix. Then, he adds lots of butter. Finally, he crushes packs of Ritz crackers on top. This is the best part in my opinion. So while I do enjoy this dish, I wouldn't be upset if it didn't appear on the table. I think most can agree with me on this one. 

  1. Turkey

While this might be controversial, Turkey is not high on my favorites list. It's more of an “Eh” type of food for me, meaning it's just okay. Ironically, turkey is one of the main foods displayed for Thanksgiving. But, I like to shine a light on the side dishes. My dad, however, loves turkey. He pours enough gravy on his slice that it covers his whole plate. I'll usually grab a tiny piece just so my mom doesn't complain about the hours she spent making the turkey for me not to eat it. That pretty much sums up my view on Turkey. 

  1. Cranberry sauce

I despise cranberry sauce. It holds a very bitter taste that makes my mouth move in disgust every time I try it. My mom makes her sauce and also buys the canned sauce for my dad. Both of my brothers agree with my views on cranberry sauce. I noticed most adults love putting it on their turkey, but to me, it just adds a sour taste that I don’t particularly care for.


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