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Catholic Schools Week Recap!

Mike Marino

If you had no idea what all the hype was about this past week, it was Catholic Schools Week! As you know, Mount celebrated with themed dress-down days all week, Mass on Tuesday, and a pep rally on Friday. If you want to hear about it from someone else’s perspective, or you just want to read about it and relive the moment, I’ll give you the day-by-day rundown of that eventful week!

On Monday, the dress-down theme was States. As a junior, I had to dress like I was from Texas. I’m not exactly cultured in Texas fashion, I don’t even have a cowboy hat, so I threw on jeans and a flannel trying my best to blend in. When I went into school, it seemed like a lot of students just wore comfy clothes, but there were plenty of kids who went all out too, especially some of the seniors with their Hawaiian fits. I guess it’s 0 or 100 when it comes to spirit week- no in between!

On Tuesday, the theme was Boston teams, which in my opinion was much easier to accomplish than the states. What I want to talk about on that day, though, is mass. I was listening to all the students who went up and talked about their experience on the mission trips. I particularly liked what senior Ben Sousa had to say about the mission trip to Klagetoh, Arizona. He talked about how overlooked it was at first, thinking he didn’t have to go across the country when he could just do service locally. Then, he said that his friend mentioned it to him a while later, and he reconsidered it. He ended up deciding to go all that way to Klagetoh, where he had one of the most memorable experiences doing something good for a community in need. Service like this truly shows how much of an impact Catholic schools like Mount can have when we come together to do something great.

On Wednesday, the theme was holidays and my class had to dress for Christmas. I’ll admit it, I didn’t bring my Christmas spirit with me (at least I was wearing red), but I did see a lot of participation that day. Ugly sweaters, pajama pants, Christmas hats, all that stuff! Oh, and shoutout to junior Mia Santagata for being Santa!

Thursday’s theme was decades. I have absolutely nothing in my closet that looks like it’s from the 80s, but if I could go back and buy something the day before, I’d know to get neon. Lots and lots of neon. There was some good participation on that day, and some kids totally nailed their decade.

Last but definitely not least, Friday. We had to wear our class colors for the pep rally during the last period, which was, as you know if you were there, crazy. I think Tug of War— a classic for Mount pep rallies— surprised everyone when the sophomores beat the juniors.

That’s the first

time I’ve seen the younger grade beat the older grade! The juniors were down in points for a while, but we made a comeback after coming in 2nd for Hungry Hungry Hippos. Still, not even that was the funniest part. At the end, each class took their turn screaming at the top of their lungs. The middle schoolers screamed, the freshman screamed, the sophomores screamed… but the juniors?


Dead silence.

 You could hear crickets chirping. 

Then, the entire school exploded with laughter. It was both the saddest and the most hilarious thing I’ve experienced in all 4 of my years at Mount! Lastly, there were the seniors with the whole percussion sections. Don’t ask me where they got the drums, I have no idea either. Of course, they tallied up the most points by the end. As for us juniors, we came in last, and only then did we start cheering!

So, quite the fun week, wasn’t it? Mount’s spirit weeks are always a blast… Well, maybe it’s just because we have to wear a uniform every other day. Actually nah, they’re just fun in general with all the hype and excitement during the week. And obviously the dress-down days are an added bonus!

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